ToMaSSApp: Test of Masticating and Swallowing Solids App

ToMaSSApp can be downloaded to your Android mobile or tablet device. The app has been designed to facilitate clinicians to collect, review and analyse data of the ToMaSS.

By pressing three large icons on the app, clinicians can record the number of bites, number of masticatory cycles and number of swallows. The patient's data is automatically saved to the app for assessment.

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Features of ToMaSSApp:

  • Contains normative data for comparison to patient data for crackers available in New Zealand and Australia.
  • Collected data is automatically referenced to the mean and 95% CI of normative data selected (cracker, age, gender). All data is presented to the clinician in a brief written clinical summary for inclusion in clinician documentation.
  • Clinicians have the ability to email, review and store data once it is recorded in the app.
  • Clinicians may also share their de-identified data via email with the developers to allow for expansion of norms and characterisation of impairment across patients with dysphagia.

Coming Soon:

  • ToMaSSApp will soon be available in Swedish, Danish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Hebrew and Hindi
  • ToMaSSApp with normative data (across the lifespan) for crackers in these markets will follow.


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